Property Details - 17 Manhattan St, North Tonawanda, 14120 - 185.37-1-23 - SWIS: 291200


Building 1
Number of Identical Buildings
Actual Year Built 1938
Effective Year Built
Construction Quality 2.0
Condition 3 - Normal
Building Perimeter 201
Gross Floor Area 1997
Number of Stories 1.0
Story Height 9
Air Conditioning % 100%
Sprinkler % 0%
Number of Elevators
Basement Perimeter
Basement Sq. Ft
Building 2
Number of Identical Buildings
Actual Year Built 1938
Effective Year Built
Construction Quality 2.0
Condition 3 - Normal
Building Perimeter 193
Gross Floor Area 1916
Number of Stories 1.0
Story Height 6
Air Conditioning % 0%
Sprinkler % 0%
Number of Elevators
Basement Perimeter
Basement Sq. Ft

2024 Final Assessment Information

Land Assessed Value$3,900
Total Assessed Value$88,000
Equalization Rate52.00%
Full Market Value$187,200
Partial Construction No
County Taxable$88,000
Municipal Taxable$88,000
School Taxable$88,000

Property Description

Property Type425 - Bar
Neighborhood Code5
Water Supply3 - Comm/public
Utilities4 - Gas & elec
Sewer Type3 - Comm/public
SchoolN Ton City School

Last Property Sale

Deed Date01/24/2020
Deed Book2020
Deed Page1409
Contract Date01/24/2020
Sale Date01/24/2020
Full Sale Price$1
Net Sale Price$1
Usable For ValuationNo
Arms LengthNo
Prior Owner Joyce, James & Brenda
Owner Information
Owner Name Address 1 Address 2 PO Box City State Zip Unit Name Unit Number
Alexanders 46, Inc. 4733 Transit Rd Depew NY 14043
Deed Date Deed Book Deed Page Contract Date Sale Date Last Physical Inspection Date Sale Price Net Sale Price Usable for Valuation Arms Length Prior Owner
01/24/2020 2020 1409 01/24/2020 01/24/2020 $1 $1 No No Joyce, James & Brenda
12/28/2015 2015 22895 09/08/2015 12/28/2015 $39,600 $39,600 No No James Joyce
09/25/2001 3155 122 09/25/2001 04/22/2002 $225,000 $225,000 Yes No Alexander's Lounge of WNY Inc
No Exemption Data Found
Site # Land Type Acres Front Depth Sq Ft Soil Rating
1 01 - Primary 2145
Commercial Site Uses
Site # Commercial Use Total Units Total Rentable Area (sqft.)
1 C06 - Nbhd tavern 60 1956
No Improvement Data Found
Special Districts
Code Description Type Primary Units Secondary Units Amount
RD291 - County refuse A 0.00 0.00 $88,000.00